I'm with SBB on this
Sounds didn't sound natural. Mainly for the guitar ones, they seem a bit "default". As if there's like a preset in FL for it. The strings/synth was a tad too simple for my liking too, thogh the bell/synth was more interesting
Overall, the tune was a bit too predictable. Each piece that came over the basic acoustic guitar was just as long as the previous ones. I could tell when there would be changes and that takes away the mystery/surprise in a tune. Also, wouldn't go for the clap thingy in a tune like this, snare is more interesting and its sound is closer to the genre of your song.Though the tune itself is not that bad as I make it seem, it's melodic beauty just fully doesn't come to it's right, in my opinion that is.
If I could give ones suggestion, I would say that I'd like it if the piano solo were faster. In that way it can both function as a break and a solo, due to it's shortness.