View Profile Hadriani

37 Audio Reviews

11 w/ Responses

Good tune, average quality

This is certainly a tune worth of its attention. Very broad and exploring. I especially liked the piano part.

Though, I think it's a bit of a shame that you set the bitrate so low.

And while I listened to this, I constantly imagined another high-pitched synth entering with some sweet melodies. I feel that there's this tiny gap still in this song. (10 minutes is a long song to fill up, after all)

Lovely tune though!

Mrmilkcarton responds:

A background melody maybe could of fit.

What's to it?

Good tune, but let's face it. If I read your comments, I feel like your own input into this tune was kind of neglectable. You just copied a good tune & changed it a bit. Though in its genre (which isn't miscellanious), it's a fairly good tune. Job well done.



Kr1z responds:

I know, its called a fucking COVER

it was a HUGE challenge, but i was able to remake the structure & leads just like basshunter did. This was my GOAL. Get it?


Needs more filling. And to be honest, I don't really think that the instruments you used blend into each other too well.

Maybe try experimenting with percussion? Having strings playing in the back is a good filler, too. Overall, I'd just advise you to experiment a bit.



Done before

I would be very pleased with this, for only if it were original. I have heared a lot of other rock-cover version of PaCHabel's canon and, to be honest, this certainly isn't the best.

The fact why I don't really admire the song that much is because you basically can't go wrong with classic music if you know the basic rules. The song wasn't to daring at that point, too. The part I was most pleased with was 3:15 - 3:35. If that had been in a more changing rythm, that passage would have really stood out for me.

One final question: did you use recorded guitar or did you render this through a virtual one?


Nightwasp responds:

Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated. As for the guitar, it's just a sound off a keyboard. Everything's off the keyboard, and was recorded in layers.

<3 (Show me teh L0v3!)

Excellent intro pad, but when the piano began to play, I found it a bit to "casual", if you know what I mean. It sounded a bit out of place in an ambient song :/

Drums were good, coolios done. High synth was sounding blastingly well, giving the song a special touch.

High piano entering was a bit subtle and I liked it!. Waah, nice wind pad and stringy/synthy intermission, though I expected you to be somehow working to more of a climax (but that's not really ambient-ish I guess).

More kick drums in the ending of the song - kinda liked em. Only wished they would be more (= longer) in the tune.

Outro was smooth.

There ya go! One louzy review from someone that doesn't know anything about ambient : 3. Thought I'd repay you the favor, as you reviewed some of my stuff when I asked you about it (which was like half a year ago lol). I like your style and your original intake on the ambient genre.

I call on your spleen!


Not really coherent

The strings and buzz/whatever thingy were not coherent. I liked the strings as an instrument though, the base riff just seemed a bit random when it was playing with the strings. Guess it just en't my style. I just think the base riff is too dominant and basically bad :(

Though the strings and bells were nice instrument


Telliath responds:

You were listening to WF1's part then. I helped on the strings. But he did most of it. I did the bass. I actually thought it sounded fine...

I'm with SBB on this

Sounds didn't sound natural. Mainly for the guitar ones, they seem a bit "default". As if there's like a preset in FL for it. The strings/synth was a tad too simple for my liking too, thogh the bell/synth was more interesting

Overall, the tune was a bit too predictable. Each piece that came over the basic acoustic guitar was just as long as the previous ones. I could tell when there would be changes and that takes away the mystery/surprise in a tune. Also, wouldn't go for the clap thingy in a tune like this, snare is more interesting and its sound is closer to the genre of your song.Though the tune itself is not that bad as I make it seem, it's melodic beauty just fully doesn't come to it's right, in my opinion that is.

If I could give ones suggestion, I would say that I'd like it if the piano solo were faster. In that way it can both function as a break and a solo, due to it's shortness.


wyldfyre1 responds:

hey, as always thanks for the honost opinion! i'll do what i can to bring out more of the song and what not when i get the time to work on it more or if anything i'll just write a new song in the long run based on what ya'll are sayin heh. ! Thanks for the honost review =_

Lovely idea!

A whole retake on the whole "collab" thought. I like the idea very much. Only too bad that sometimes the genres went clashing together a bit too hard in some of the changes. Though they were all very good switches, you just can't change the difference in style/genre.

Lovely idea and worked out really well, cheers!

Slow to start, great to center, (to) slow to end

The intro of this song was taking its time to prepare the listener for the song. I have so say I like your main synth with the ping-pong reverb and LFO'ing. Though too, i think you could have done a tad more with the piano. Full arpeggio's maybeh? I dunno really. Though the "hamming" chords with the piano is very nice (and original). Though I have to say that I think the song should have ended at 2:25. There's nothing really new after that and it's not that it's fading away slightly. First you fall back to your main bass riff and then you surprisingly add the piano again. I have to say I wasn't overwhelmed by the ending. An outro should be consequent and not to daring in my opinion. I mainly believe that a perfect outro isn't noticed (as in you still hear the song going on in your head), its function is to end the song peacefully (as I think fits with this kind of tune.

Very nice tune.

Making tunes with FL and hope that I can keep doing so for a long time. 'Nuff said

Age 35, Male


Joined on 6/2/07

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