<3 (Show me teh L0v3!)
Excellent intro pad, but when the piano began to play, I found it a bit to "casual", if you know what I mean. It sounded a bit out of place in an ambient song :/
Drums were good, coolios done. High synth was sounding blastingly well, giving the song a special touch.
High piano entering was a bit subtle and I liked it!. Waah, nice wind pad and stringy/synthy intermission, though I expected you to be somehow working to more of a climax (but that's not really ambient-ish I guess).
More kick drums in the ending of the song - kinda liked em. Only wished they would be more (= longer) in the tune.
Outro was smooth.
There ya go! One louzy review from someone that doesn't know anything about ambient : 3. Thought I'd repay you the favor, as you reviewed some of my stuff when I asked you about it (which was like half a year ago lol). I like your style and your original intake on the ambient genre.
I call on your spleen!